Wright English

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Vocabulary Showcase: “evolve” synonyms

This is a pretty good example of why I do not get to decide what animals look like. We would all be knee deep in catephants and catoppotamuses by the weekend. Is a cat parrot a carrot?

Evolution is the slow development, improvement and change of something. Let’s have a look at some synonyms for “evolve” in use!

·         Develop – “The baby inside you is developing”

·         Progress - “Alex is making a lot of progress in his Maths this year”

·         Advance – “If you do to a school for drama, your acting skills will advance more quickly”

·         Mature – “Katy is much more mature now than she was 2 years ago”

·         Grow – “Give the plants plenty of light and water, they will grow nicely”

·         Metamorphose – “When caterpillars are ready, they metamorphose into butterflies”

·         Transform – “My sweet little kitten has transformed into a beautiful cat”

·         Adapt – “Jenny is adapting really well to her new school”

Expand your English vocabulary by using these synonyms, and make sure your English matures, transforms, advances, and progresses to the next level.

Now I am thinking of creating a kind of Jurassic park for cats. Purrtastic Park. By the end of the first Purrtastic Park film, all of the UK is covered in flying cats, cat-dogs, and cat badgers. Nature will always find a way…

To find out more about the English lessons I teach online visit www.wrightenglish.com. I can be serious as well as silly.

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