Why you shouldn’t start sentences with “And” or “But”


We start sentences with “And” and “But” in English all the time when we are speaking with each other. So, why is it not ok to do this when we are writing?

In Written English it is very important that each sentence makes sense. When we are speaking we can ask questions to make sure we understand. When something is written down, everything you need to understand needs to be there. “But” (look I started with a forbidden word!) “And”, “therefore”, “and so”, are all called “conjunctions”. Conjunctions are words which join things together. If you are using “and” there are two ideas that you are joining. If you are using “but” again there are two ideas that you are joining and comparing.

Let’s have a look at what I think when I read sentences that start with conjunctions:

·         “But he had no way of knowing where Catherine was” – But what? What are we comparing this to? What happened that I don’t know about?

·         “And after, he walked to the river” – After what? What do you mean and? Where is the first half? I can’t read your mind!

·         “And so it was a long time before she found her way home” – And so? That’s like ‘because of’, so what is this because of? This is so confusing!

Don’t hurt the English teacher’s brain. If you have started a sentence with a conjunction remove it and write exactly what you mean. Maybe you need to add in the other part of the sentence so the conjunction works properly. Maybe you started a new paragraph when it didn’t make sense to, and you should join it to the previous paragraph.

To find out more about the private English lessons I teach online, visit www.wrightenglish.com. You can book a free trial lesson with me, just email lana@wrightenglish.com!


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