Wright English

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Wright English FAQ: How long do I need English lessons for?

I am answering another frequently asked question today. There are so many different variables (things that change) involved there is no simple answer.

How much do you already know, and where are you trying to get? If you already have a high level of English understanding and just want to refresh your grammar and fluency you will not need too many lessons. If you only know a little and want to be like a native speaker, you will need many lessons over a long period.

How confident are you to make mistakes? A lot of language learning is about trying things out, and being O.K. with making mistakes. The more confident you are with having a go, the quicker you will learn, and the less lessons you will need.

Are you happy to do work outside of lessons? If you do homework outside your lessons, this will help you learn faster, as you will practice more and increase your confidence on your own. It is also free so there is a bonus!

What is your natural ability to learn languages? Everyone can learn a language. I teach people with learning disabilities, and we always find a great way to work together. Everyone learns at a different speed and in a different way. I will not be able to tell you how many lessons you need until I know you better and understand how you learn best.

How often are you having lessons? I try to make my lessons as convenient (easy to do and get to) as possible for my learners. Some people only have time for a lesson once a month. The longer the time between your lessons, the more you will forget and the more lessons you will need in total.

As you can see there is no simple answer. I wish there was. I wish I could tell everyone “You need exactly 12 hours!”, but I can’t. What I can do is promise you that I track your progress all the time, and every time I plan your lessons, I check what your goals are and how close you are to reaching them. This is why I teach lessons and not courses. If you signed up for a 16-hour course, who knows if you need all 16 hours to reach your goal? Maybe you only needed 10. Then you have wasted your money on 6 extra lessons. Maybe we found something in lesson 9 that was so difficult, we needed 18 hours to reach your goal.

I teach lesson by lesson so we reach your goal together at your speed.

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